Already in the last 2 articles, we described temperature, precipitation, and geopotential anomalies in January 2022 and Winter 2021/2022 in Europe and the USA (Canada, Mexico), so far /https://mkweather.com/esrl-composites-for-europe-january-2022-and-winter-2021-2022-so-far/; https://mkweather.com/esrl-composites-for-the-usa-january-2022-and-winter-2021-2022-so-far//.
Now, we will look at the character of winter/summer weather in other continents in the world.
January 2022 brought mostly warm anomalies in northern latitudes, cold anomalies appeared mainly in parts of India, the Middle East, or Tibet (Western Disturbances). SE Asia was very stormy (La Nina) and eastern the Middle East rainy and snowy (Western Disturbances). A negative geopotential anomaly appeared above the western half of Asia and positive above its NE parts.
Winter 2021/2022 is relatively warm in central parts of Asia, colder in parts of Eastern Siberia, India, or Tibet. SE Asia and E Middle East are stormy, so far. Western parts of the Middle East have low geopotential anomalies, while Siberia has high geopotential anomalies, so far.
Warm Queensland, SE Australia, and western coast, while cold South Australia in January 2022. Stormy from SE Australia to northern Western Australia, including central parts, but drier Queensland. Mostly low geopotential anomaly in January above the continent.
Colder summer in the southern coast and in Australian Alps, so far, but other parts of the continent warmer than average. Stormy S/SE Australia and drier parts of Queensland in summer. Low geopotential anomaly, high only in Tasmania, S coast of SE Australia and in Perth.
Heatwaves in January 2022 in La Plata region, warmer northern coast of Sout America thanks to shift of a season of rains southward, warm east Brazil, but cold southern Patagonia. Drier northern South America, E Brazil and region around N Argentina, stormy S/W Brazil, Peru, Uruguay, Buenos Aires region and N Bolivia. Low geopotential above Falklands and high SW from Chile.
Summer 2021/2022 similar to January 2022, with more rainfall in Brazil and more drought in the La Plata region, southern Patagonia with higher geopotential.
January 2022: Extremely cold central and eastern North Africa (Sahara and Sahel), warm western Sahel and East Africa, colder anomaly above S Africa countries. The stormy south-African region, drier Madagascar or Cameroon. High geopotential anomaly above Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, South Africa, and Mozambique and low above NE Libya and Egypt.
Winter similar, but warm in the eastern Sahel and all equatorial and eastern Africa. Dry East and stormy South Africa. Low geopotential anomaly above E Sahara and W Sahel, high above NW Africa, E, and S Africa.
January cold in SW sector and warm in SE sector, more precipitation in SE, NW, drought in SW sector, very low geopotential.
Winter cold in SW, warm in SE sector, snowy, only SW sector dry, and very low geopotential, especially westward from the Antarctic Peninsula.

January 2022 in the world. Source: https://psl.noaa.gov/data/composites/day/

Winter 2021/2022 in the world, so far (December 2021 and January 2022). Source: https://psl.noaa.gov/data/composites/day/