The first serious peak of Summer 2021/2022 is South America is bringing extremely high temperatures and severe wildfires.
Only on 31. December, the maximum temperature in Rividavia, Argentina reached +46,0°C, which is only 2,9°C from the all-time December record for the station.
In Australia, before Christmas 2021, an even higher temperature, +47,9°C, was measured /https://mkweather.com/australia-with-christmas-heatwaves-479c-and-40c-in-perth-on-christmas-day-the-tropical-system-is-coming//.
In Teniente Esteban Martinez, Paraguay, on 30. December 2021, +45,3°C was measured, which is the highest temperature in Paraguay in December in all-time history!
Extremely hot was in Buenos Aires, too, with an exceptional maximum temperature of +40,1°C, which is the hottest December day in the metropolitan city ever.
Many other temperature records were observed (Tweets below).
Patagonia is already after extreme heatwaves, but with many severe wildfires, with fatalities.
Mkweather only in the middle of Autumn 2021 (in Northern Hemisphere) forecast very hot La Nina summer in southern parts of South America /https://mkweather.com/summer-2021-2022-forecast-for-south-america-stormy-north-hot-and-dry-south-cold-and-dry-pacific-coast// and forecasts are fulfilling.
Meanwhile, in northern parts of the continent, including Brazil, a mostly very strong season of rains has come, with the latest persisting floods in Bahia, Brazil, with minimally 20 dead /will be updated soon/.
El Nino is forecasted to come the earliest in Autumn 2022, only /https://mkweather.com/2022-2023-forecast-chances-for-el-nino//, with changes of main circulation patterns above the continent.
If you live in the region, we recommend you to watch current news about heatwaves and wildfires in the next weeks, because Summer 2021/2022 will bring very probably the next extreme heatwaves.

Illustration picture: https://www.anews.com.tr/world/2021/12/28/fires-raging-in-argentinas-southern-patagonia-region