Surprisingly with a negative global temperature anomaly ended June 2021, although Northern Hemisphere during the month hit anomalously strong heatwaves.
A reason for this unexpected behavior of climate on the Earth lies in the Southern Hemisphere – mainly Antarctica, but too other continents, which are hit by extremely cold air from the coldest continent.
Thanks to climate feedbacks, Antarctica /search “Antarctica on our homepage/ is becoming even colder such as in the past, with significant influence across all Southern Hemisphere, moreover, during the ongoing La nina event are these anomalies even stronger.
June 2021 then ended with a global temperature anomaly -0,01°C, according to UAH Satellite-Based measurements.
Anomalously cold weather in June 2021 was persisting in Antarctica, Australia, South Africa, South America, India, Eastern Sahara and Sahel, Blac Sea region, Central Siberia, in the wider region of Hudson Bay, Canada, or along Gulf Coast.
Extreme heatwaves appeared in the western USA and Canada, Central, Southern, Northern, and Eastern Europe, Eastern Siberia, Algeria, and the western Sahel and some parts of East Asia, New Zealand, or in Scotland.
A period January – June 2021 is therefore the coldest since the last La nina event, which ended in the year 2014.
It is possible, that during July 2021, these big differences between the Northern and Southern Hemisphere will be continuing and while in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and South America, the next extreme coldwaves will appear, across continents of the Northern Hemisphere, hot anomalies should bring other rounds with daily, monthly or all-time temperature records.