Extreme strong Atlantic hurricane season is not linked only with dramatic changes of weather in Europe and North America, but has too significant impact to Asian, South American or African circulation patterns.
Strong cyclonic activity above North Atlantic is pulling all resources of wet equatorial air in Amazon over Atlantic and Caribbean and South America is reporting persisting drought with one from the worst wildfires in history.
In South America, the worst wildfires for minimally last decade are burning, in large areas in Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. Wildfires are linked with extreme strong heatwaves – in Paraguay has been measured at the end of September 2020 the highest maximum temperature all-time record, +45,5°C (114°F) /https://mkweather.com/2020/10/05/paraguay-a-new-national-absolute-temperature-record-455c-114f-10-000-wildfires-and-state-emergency/.
Since early October, next 2000 wildfires has been added in Paraguay, with a current number 12 000 wildfires across the country.
“The World Largest Tropical Wetland Has Become an Inferno“, has wrote a New York Times about situation in South America on Tuesday, 13. October 2020. ‘Total destruction‘: why fires are tearing across South America” is a title of same topic article in The Guardian. “Wildfires rage across South America, causing ‘total destruction’ has wrote watchers.news.
“Brazil is in flames. From the Amazon to the Pantanal, the environmental heritage of all Brazilians is being reduced to ashes. The is a consequence of the policy of the Bolsonaro government, which despite the predictions of drought in the Pantanal, has not used the necessary means of fire protection,” has noted courthousenews.com.”
After Paraguay, state emergency has been declared in Bolivia too, with 2,7 millions acres in the fire.
In Argentina, is bothered mainly northern regions of Gran Chaco.
Smoke is spreading to the cities and many animals, including endangered species ends in the fire. “There were dead wild animals everywhere. The ranches are totally burnt.” according to theguardian.com.
40% of Amazon forest should change to savannah during the next years and until 2100, changed circulation should cause extreme desertification in the region, with transformation of a tropical rainforest into a desert.