The coldest summer in 30, in some parts in 60 years – Norway 2020
Folldal is little municipality in southern, continental Norway, in 694 MASL with typically more coldest mornings such as rest of the country. Friday´s morning minimum temperature, however, was anomalously low even for local conditions. 24.7.2020 was in the village measured freezing -4,1°C / 26,4°F, what is temperature at the level of temperature records for July. Temperature during July is falling below 0°C only rarely here. Previous years, in July, temperatures dropped here to -2,8°C (2019), -1,0°C (2018), -2,8°C (2017), -0,9°C (2016) and -2,1°C (2015) and -0,9°C (2014) only, so it is really rarely summer coldwave.
Moreover, according to recent news from Norway, July 2020 is till 24.7. 2020 the coldest in nearly 30 years and the coldest in 60 years in Trondheim region, only /https://www.newsinenglish.no/2020/07/24/coldest-summer-in-nearly-30-years//, with anomaly from July average unbelievable -4°C! Norwegians are describing the summer as very windy and rainy, with shorter coldwaves after transitions of deep cyclones to the eastern parts of Scandinavia.
This situation can be linked with relative southerly shift of stormtrack during “de facto” La-niňa phase and dominant negative-neutral NAO/AO (North Atlantic Oscillation / Arctic Oscillation). These conditions are holding stormtrack strictly on the line Scotland – southern Scandinavia – St. Petersburg. It will be a big surprise, when summer 2020 will end really the coldest in 30 or 60 years. Maybe it´s a sign of changing climate in the region /see “Global warming hole writing” on https://mkweather.com/2020/07/17/siberian-heat-38c-100f-flowed-above-north-pole-arctic-ice-loss-reached-the-newest-mid-july-record-pattern-strenghing-global-warming-hole-anomaly-which-can-make-british-isles-cold-til/.

In Svalbard on other hand anomalously hot, first time +20°C / 68°F is expected
The Arctic was during last weeks exposed to anomalous pressure high with albedo / Arctic Amplification effect and 2-week-anomaly more than +10°C during first 2 weeks of July /https://mkweather.com/2020/07/17/siberian-heat-38c-100f-flowed-above-north-pole-arctic-ice-loss-reached-the-newest-mid-july-record-pattern-strenghing-global-warming-hole-anomaly-which-can-make-british-isles-cold-til//. Hot air arrived from NE Siberia already in June 2020 /https://mkweather.com/2020/07/12/38c-101f-behind-polar-circle-in-siberia-5-years-after-unprecedent-event-with-40c-104f-in-nunavut-northern-canada//.
Extremely warm air arrived after time to opposite part of Arctic, and in Svalbard, thanks to positive temperature feedback in Arctic, first time in history temperature above +20,0°C / +68°F is expected. Very warm have to be already at the weekend. Little warmer weather as in the southern Norway currently Lapland reports too.

Used illustration pictures: https://www.newsinenglish.no; https://www.dw.com