Although it isnt tropical +30,6°C / 87.1°F in North Platte from early November 2020 /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/07/tropical-indian-summer-in-november-north-platte-in-nebraska-306c-87-1f//, regardless Midwest has reported unseasonably warm weather on Wednesday and Thursday, 18.-19. November 2020.
In southern regions, e.g. Kansas, it was almost summer +25°C / 77°C with +24,4°C in Topeka, but despite of morning frosts, was very warm in northern parts of Midwest, too.
E.g. in North Platte, Nebraska it was +22,8°C on Wednesday and +23,3°C on Thursday (73-74°F), but with morning frosts -6,1°C and -4,9°C (21-23°F).
In Tulsa it has warmed up to +22,2°C, in Rapid City to +19,4°C, in Chicago to +18,9°C, in Cleveland to +18,9°C, in Erie to +18,9°C, in Indianapolis to +17,8°C or in Detroit to +17,2°C on Thursday.
On Wednesday, interesting maximum temperatures were e.g. in Rapid City, +22,8°C, Tulsa, +22,2°C, Cheyenne, +18,9°C or Casper, +17,8°C.
Very simply it should be last warmer days of the year with Indian summer-like temperatures in the region, although, this warm period was lasting only shortly.
Until the end of November 2020 hit USA next coldwaves and Indian summer-like temperatures are not very probable, already.
Long-term forecasts for the USA and Canada will be updated on Mkweather during the next period.
Infographics: meteologix.com, wxcharts.com