Such in October and November 2020 has arrived winter monsoon, mainly to northern parts of India, situation with extreme rains has become more calmly.
In October 2020, last tropical threats (remnants of typhoons) from Southeastern Asia hit India too, with severe floods in some regions, but last weeks were really calm, with some reports from northwestern India, with snow and rain showers.
However, situation has changed with arrival of Cyclone season 2020/2021, which has started on 15. November 2020 and will end on 30. April 2021.
In southern India, Sri Lanka and Maldives are forecasted first cyclone threats of the season next 16 days, with possible extreme winds, up to 215 km/h and heavy rains up to 800 mm, mainly in northern parts of Sri Lanka and neighboring parts of southern India.
Next cyclone hits very probably Eastern Africa, Oman and Yemen already next week /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/17/tropical-threat-in-somalia-and-yemen-94a-invest-should-hit-region-next-week//.
Above Indian Ocean is currently very dynamical part of ITCZ, with extremely negative, wet MJO phase, which is linked with a possible very strong development of cyclones.
Southern parts of India and Sri Lanka therefore expect next possible deadly floods, winds an landslides after a short autumn break.

Infographics: wxcharts.com, NOAA