As we pointed on Monday, Europe is aliving the hottest week of summer season 2020 /https://mkweather.com/2020/07/27/this-is-the-hottest-week-of-summer-in-europe-spain-already-447c-in-france-italy-balkan-42c-in-central-europe-35-39c-and-in-uk-35c-is-expected//. In Spain was before 48 hours measured +44,7°C and extremely hot air is moving to the northern and eastern regions now.
On Monday, in France, in region southernly from Toulouse and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, +39,9°C was measured in Albi. It is the highest temperature since the start of the year in France, just 0.9 ° C from city´s monthly record (40,8°C on July 30, 1983; http://www.meteofrance.fr/actualites/84153958-pic-de-chaleur-pres-de-40-c-hier-dans-le-sud-ouest). In France on Thursday and Friday, up to +41°C is according to Méteo France is expected and in southern England +35°C and Ireland and Scotland +31°C is possible.
Hot air quickly will move over Germany and west Central Europe, with expected unbelievable +40°C in southwestern Germany /https://www.rnd.de/panorama/fast-40-grad-am-freitag-am-sonntag-dann-unwetter-so-wird-das-wochenende-56DWFBFAN5I4EROADZC3JQIT3A.html/. In 2019, near unprecedent events, was in in France +46,0°C, in Germany +42,6°C, , in Belgium +41,8°C, in Netherlands +41,7°C and +42,6°C in Paris was measured.
Tuesday, 28. July, extremely hot in Central Europe, Vienna +37,2°C
On Tuesday, expected heatave really boost maximum temperatures very high, the most in Austria in extremely hot air in 850 hPa. Altough storms and wind was measured across country, too, in tropic air mass temperatures has risen up to +37,2°C in Vienna, Austria capital /https://www.sn.at/panorama/oesterreich/bisher-heissester-tag-des-jahres-37-2-grad-in-wiener-city-90768280; http://press24.net/news/24428902/bisher-hei-ester-tag-des-jahres-37-2-grad-in-wiener-city/. Very hot was in Slovakia and Czechia too – in Slovakia +36,0°C /SHMU/ and in Czechia +35,3°C /CHMI; https://www.denik.cz/z_domova/cesko-pocasi-horko-bourky-20200728.html/. In Czechia (and too Austria) big hailstorms were during Tuesday observed, up to diameter 5cm. In Bavaria, southern Poland and Hungary maximum temperatures reached up to +35°C. The next heatwave hits region at the weekend and at the start of next week.
Hot was in Balkan too, Albania was reporting +37,5°C, Bosnia and Herzegovina +37,3°C, Macedonia +37,0°C, Croatia and Montenegro +36,9°C, Greece +36,8°C and Bulgaria +35,4°C. In Turkey (Urfa) temperatures reached +44,1°C.

Forecast for France by Méteo France