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Scottie Scheffler To Win The Tournament & Tom Kim Top 20 Finish (Inc. Ties) His Masters odds have made an even bigger jump. Thomas opened as an 80-to-1 long shot before moving into the 50/1 range following his win at the CIMB Classic. When he won at Kapalua, he fell to 40/1 (although lower on other sites like Bovada, which listed him at 33/1). But now, he’s officially one of the favorites, with odds higher than only those four players named above, Hideki Matsuyama (12/1), and a trio of Masters champs — Adam Scott, Bubba Watson and Tiger Woods — at 20/1. Away from the green, precision from the tee box is valuable, to be sure, but the Masters layout doesn’t exactly do any favors for McIlroy’s preternatural power. His 263.2 yards per drive at the Masters is well below his tee-shot averages in recent seasons and his historical averages at golf’s other marquee events. Although he bashes par-5s like you’d expect, he struggles on par-4s, where on average he’s plus-3.6, according to Golf Stats.
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