An untraditionally strong EF2 tornado hit on Thursday, 15. July 2021 afternoon Berrie, northward from Toronto.
In the region, stronger tornadoes are relatively rare, but hot and humid conditions in the last days gave ideal conditions for an occurrence or vortex with winds up to 238 km/h.
Several people were injured, around 60 homes were damaged.
In 8 minutes, tornado were shifting along 5 kilometers long path, including densely populated parts of the city.
Below materials about Candian tornado you should find 3 maps of occurrence tornadoes:
a) worldwide
b) in the USA
c) in Europe
90% of tornadoes in the world in the last decades occurred in the USA, while some strong tornadoes were reported from Europe, eastern Australia, South Africa, La Plata region, Bangladesh, NE India, Japan, or western Russia.
In the USA, Southeast and Midwest are leading.
In Europe, EF5 tornadoes have appeared since 1950 in Poland, Ukraine, Germany, France, Italy, and Russia. Balkan, Turkey, the Caucasian region, Scandinavia, and British Islands are almost without strong tornadoes EF4+.