The country of 4 seasons of the year was in the last period Turkey.
While on the front side of part of polar vortex above Europe were flowing above the western half of the country anomalously warm air, cold east of the country has already reported severe frosts and heavy snowfall.
In Bartin, northern Turkey (Blac Sea coast), 5 December summer days above +25,0°C were already measured (the warmest on 13. December, +25,8°C) and some parts of the Blac Sea coast saw maximum temperatures up to +27°C.
Meanwhile, in mountainous basins in eastern parts, up to 31 inches / 80 cm of fresh snow in populated areas were reported.
Parts of northern and southern Turkey moreover reported local floods or even tornadoes, therefore a variety of weather in the country was really very wide in December 2021, so far.
Summer days are however not expected, already, because severe frosts will come already before Christmas – with a peak around 23. December 2021, almost all territory of the country will sink into severe frosts, and gradually, heavy snowfall and rainfall are forecasted.
While the continent receives a large amount of snow, along coasts, floods with heavy rains will be until the end of the month possible.
Heavy rains and cooldowns and a possible peak of Winter 2021/2022 will gradually hit parts of Syria, Lebanon, or Israel until the end of the year 2021 and in New Year 2022, and regional floods and widespread cooldown is forecasted in Iran, eastern Iraq, and northwestern Jordan, too.