Extreme hailstorms hit on Monday and Tuesday, 5.-6. July parts of Mexico, with extreme hailstorm accumulations, caused rare death from hypothermia.
Naucalpan, Atizapán de Zaragoza, Tlalnepantla and Huixquilucan reported around 50 mm of rain mixed with hails and in the city of Calacoaya, hail accumulations reached 50 centimeters.
Flash floods appeared in Vía Gustavo Baz, Mario Colín and Adolfo López Mateos.
In Tlalnepantla on Monday, 5. July 2021, a severe hailstorm caused the death of a 40-years old driver, who was trapped inside the vehicle in a block of high ice accumulation. Trapped in severe hailstorm accumulations were several vehicles in the local bridge. The man died after several hours in the trap of hypothermia. 3 other men were taken with hypothermia into the hospital.
According to official statements of Civil Protection, hail accumulations around 80 cm created at the place and died man shouldn’t get out of the car.
According to long-term forecasts, severe storms are expected during July 2021 mainly in southern half of Mexico, but too in mountainous regions in northern half of the country.
Meanwhile, Florida and East Coast USA hit already / hits in the next hours and days the first hurricane of Atlantic hurricane season – Elsa /https://mkweather.com/hurricane-watch-in-florida-elsa-comes-already-in-the-next-hours-then-hits-all-east-coast//.

Source: wxcharts.com