This and previous prolonged weekend 2 the biggest heatwaves of the year 2020 has peaked over west Europe and during the start of first August week, many tornado cases were reported from western and southern Europe, on or after arrival of powerful cold front, which was bringing heavy rains, hailstorms, gusty storms and floods over southern Central Europe, Italy and Balkan.
We brought during last week a photos from these tornado events /https://mkweather.com/2020/08/03/several-tornadoes-occured-in-germany-france-belgium-netherlands-and-switzerland-on-monday/; https://mkweather.com/2020/08/05/balkan-under-water-in-italy-4-tornadoes-at-1-photo//, but after time, new, very photogenic shots of tornadoes appeared on weather forums and pages, therefore we decided, that the best shots we will publish in this article.
The most of tornadoes were reported from Italy during the period 1.-9. August 2020 and a few tornado events occurred in France, Belelux, Gemrany, Switzerland, Black sea region and 1 tornado northward from Moscow.
The most photogenic tornadoes produced cold front over Calabria, Italy, where family of 4 tornadoes in 1 shot were captured. Too, in Netherlands, 3 tornadoes in 1 photo was captured and really photogenic simple tornadoes occured in other countries too.
Let´s enjoy these photos with us!
Calabria, Italy, 4. August 2020:

Den Helder, Netherlands, 3. August 2020:

Belgium Coast, 5. August 2020:

Julianadorp, Netherlands, 3 August, 2020:

Friedrichshafen, Germany, 3. August 2020:

Dunkerqe, France, 3. August 2020

Sources: ESWD, Severe Weather FB