Snow has come earlier than was expected! /https://mkweather.com/2020/10/11/the-first-snowfall-in-large-parts-of-slovakia-and-moravia-from-tuesday-to-wednesday-13-14-october// Parts of Slovakia are under the snow and next snowing is expected at the night from Tuesday to Wednesday 13.-14. October 2020 and in Wednesday morning, too.
On Tuesday, 13. October, snowing has appeared in altitudes above 500 MASL in densely populated Carpathian basins in regions Kysuce, Orava and Liptov.
According to current outputs of meteorological models, next snowing is expected during the subsequent night not only in mountainous northern Slovakia, but too in southern half of Central Slovakia, northern parts of Western Slovakia and western regions of Eastern Slovakia, already from 300 MASL.
It is possible, that daily / afternoon temperatures will be during Wednesday in part of Slovakia little lower that morning´s temperatures. Therefore, the most of regions should alive snowing around 9:00 morning.
During the day (Wednesday), snowing can continue in northern parts of region, with maximum temperatures only +1/+6°C. Only in the warmest lowlands, temperature reaches up to +10°C.
Winter season 2020/21 is coming very soon in parts of Europe and other continents of Northern Hemisphere thanks to many circulation patterns set to colder conditions. Before early cold shots we warned already in the summer 2020/21 in Mkweather Autumn 2020 and Winter 2020/21 seasonal forecasts /https://mkweather.com/2020/08/22/europe-autumn-2020-forecast-mkweather-accuweather-maps-and-analysis/; https://mkweather.com/2020/07/29/first-forecast-for-winter-2020-21-early-powerful-coldwaves-nov-dec-then-weakening-of-cold-pattern-and-warm-jan-feb-mar/; https://mkweather.com/2020/09/24/updated-forecast-for-winter-2020-21-still-nao-ao-in-first-half-of-winter-nao-ao-in-second-half-of-winter-permanent-la-nina-and-surprisingly-easterly-qbo-possible//.
Kysuce, Orava and Liptov regions under the snow: imeteo.sk

Forecast for Wednesday 4-12 LSEČ /shmu.sk:

Wednesday´s minimum and maximum temperature in the region /wxcharts.com:

Precipitation in region until Sunday 18, October 2020 (most of them falls during Wednesday /wxcharts.com: