Heatwaves in UK and France have their peak behind them and we can start summarize, if our forecast were successful, or not.
Last week, +35°C for England was predicted by mkweather.com and it was probably, that in France occurs more than 40-degrees heatwaves. Advection of extremely hot air during days of current week in outputs of forecast models was larger and larger and during the week, we came with forecasts up to +37°C in England and +42°C in France.
Finally, on Friday, during the hottest day in the UK, +37,8°C (100°F) was measured in London, Heathrow. This value is only 0,9°C far from all-time national record from 25. July 2019 (+38,7°C) and the third highest all-time temperature in London. This temperature was even higher as Friday´s daily maximum in Rome, Italy (+37,5°C).
Extremely hot air was bothering France already on Thursday, with national top and top high temperature of summer 2020 in Socoa, +41,9°C. On Friday, temperatures around +40°C was borhering northern France too, meteorologists in Paris measured +39,3°C. Not far away from Paris, in Saône et Loire, was on Friday measured +41,5°C, absolute temperature record in region.
Temperatures in southern England and northern France exceeded more than 12°C positive anomaly from long-term average.
Anomalously hot was too in west Germany (+37,5°C), Belgium (+36,9°C)), Switzerland (+36,3°C) or Netherlands (+36,1°C).
During current heatwave, +45,3°C was measured last week in Turkey, +44,7°C in Spain, +42,3°C in Cyprus, +41,5°C in North Macedonia (Friday 31.7.), +41,0°C in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Thursday 30.7.), +40,4°C in Montenegro and +40,2°C in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania.
At the weekend, in Spain, Italy, southern Balkan and Turkey, temperatures exceeding +44/+45°C are expecting rarely and temperatures around +38°C in Germany. Next 4 days, Europe hits storms on the cold front, which can be very severe mainly at the beginning of the next week in Central Europe /https://mkweather.com/2020/07/31/after-heatwaves-damaging-storms-in-europe-on-monday-and-tuesday-3-4-august//.

Illustration photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/regimepix/9317554778; https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/record-breaking-heat-wave-scorches-europe