After Hurricane Delta, which hit southern USA from Friday to Saturday 9.-10. October and its remnants had effects in Northeastern USA until 12. October 2020 /FORECAST; LOUISIANA + VIDEOS; VIDEOS; PURPLE SKIES; DRONE FOOTAGES; 10 IMPORTANT FACTS/, next tropical threat very probably hits Little Antiles, Haiti, Dominican republic and Cuba and aims towards Florida, according to Tuesday´s forecasts.
System should hit Caribbean already from Thursday to Sunday, 15.-18. October 2020 and near Florida it can move on classic parabolic track in the middle next week.
System however won´t be very strong and only status of tropical depression (93L Invest) or next named tropical storm (Epsilon, 27th recorded tropical storm in Atlantic hurricane season 2020).
After this tropical threat should arrive next major hurricane from the Caribbean sea during the last October decade and hit Caribbean islands and maybe partly East Coast (USA), but this long-term forecast should change yet.
It is very probable, that extreme Atlantic hurricane season 2020 hasn´t said last word.
Infographics: tropicaltidbits.com, wxcharts.com: