In Poland, Slovakia, Czech republic, Romania and Ukraine still heavy storms are occuring in Monday. Poland and northern Slovakia in ECWD reports lot of cases with heavy rain from the weekend, but in Slovakia and Czech republic, heavy storms hit too in Monday (with red warnings / 3.level on Meteoalarm.eu locally, and our orange warnings / 2. level – https://mkweather.com/warnings/). The video in materials is from Detva, central Slovakia, where around 18:00 Central European Time 3. level of warnings is valid (only one region with red warnings in Europe in Monday).
Situation was critical in many parts of Canada during weekend and Monday – the main center of T-storms from the US to Ontario and Labrator was shifting and really severe T-storms hit Great Lake area including metropolis – powerful video from Montreal was shared by Weather Nation. Even minimally one tornado was reported from SE Canada and temperatures has reached during last 24 hours up to +34,9°C / 95°F in Monday in Ontario and +33,3°C / 92°F in Montreal.
In the US, southerly from deep cyclone over Labrador even hotter was during Monday – Norfolk in Virginia +37,8°C / 98°F, in Baltimore +37,2°C / 101°F, in Washington D.C. +36,1°C / 97°F and in New York +35,0°C / 95°F was measured in Monday. The highest temperature only will be the subject of weather news during next hours, cause maximum temperatures can be reached in many parts during late afternoon, too.
Severe storms in Monday bother in the US around 16:00 New York time mainly area between Kansas and Illinois, far away from the deep centre above NE Labrador, in hot air. Soon storm activity will shift to the East and Northeast Coast, with possible severe wind gusts, hails, lighting or locally heavy rain. We will continue to monitor the situation.
Last articles about storms and heatwaves in the US:
Strom-strories from Europe from last days:

Radar at 5:00 time (morning!) – Northeast and Canada. Even in the morning storm activity was strong during last night. / https://mkweather.com/radar/
Storm forecast for Europe – Monday-Tuesday from ESTOFEX / estofex.org

Yellow, orange and red – warnigns before storms in the US and Canada for Tuesday https://mkweather.com/warnings https://mkweather.com/warnings-2-day/ https://mkweather.com/warnings-3-day/

Woods in Central Europe during these days offer lot of surprises.