After Baghdad´s all-time record from this week, +51,8°C is here a question, if after current anomalous high temperatures, all-time Asian record at the beginning of August 2020 won´t be broken.
Hottest day ever occured in London, too, with +37,8°C on Friday, 31. July 2020. Interesting is, that before excessive heatwave at the end July 2019, Middle East region reported similar anomalous heatwave as these days.
On Thursday, 30. July, +53,0°C was measured in Amarah, Iraq and on Friday, +53,1°C in Sulaibyia, Kuwait. All-time Asian maximum temperature high, +54,0°C was measured in summer 2016 in Kuwait. Current heatwave will persist in region till 5. August 2020, therefore, is here a question, if this continental record will be broken during next days.
Extremely hot is in Syria, northern Saudi Arabia and Israel too. In Hassakah, Syria, +51,0°C on Friday, 31. July 2020 (with Syrian all-time temperature record +49,4°C), in Rafha, Saudi Arabia, +51,1°C on Thursday, 30 July and in Sedom, Israel, +44,5°C on Saturday, 1. August, was measured.
In Damascus, Syrian capital, on Wednesday, 30. July all-time high temperature record was broken (+46,0°C / 113.8°F). A monitoring station in Houch al-Oumara, in Lebanon recorded +45,4°C / 113.7°F on Tuesday, which if confirmed would be a new record for Lebanon.
Documentation of Middle East heatwave: Ogimet / Wxcharts / Severe Weather Europe + VIDEO from Iraq – the egg cooked in the sun

Illustration photo: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8579505/Heatwave-Middle-East-cities-record-breaking-temperatures-recorded.html