The worst is only beginning: Italy, Spain, Greece are expecting +45°C! /113°F… Thursday in France +41,9°C / 107°F, Bosnia a H. +41,0°C, Montenegro +40,4°C, Albania and Greece +40,2°C, North Macedonia +40,1°C
After supertropical forecasts for England (+37°C on Friday), upcoming heatwave prepared next surprises for other regions of Europe.
For now, the hottest measured maximum temperatures durng current heatwave in Europe are +44,7°C from Spain from Sunday 26. July 2020, +41,9°C from France (Socoa) from Thursday 30. July 2020 and Thursday´s extreme high +41,0°C from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Mostar), +40,4°C from Montenegro (Podgorica), +40,2°C from Albania (Gjirokastra) and Greece (Konitsa) and +40,1°C from North Macedonia (Gevgelija).
Watched maximum temperature events on Friday will be England (+37°C forecasted), Ireland and Scotland (+30°C forecasted), Saturday in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany (+40°C possible) and according to new forecast, south Italy, Spain and south Balkan during Friday and the beginning of August 2020, with possible temperatures in Sicily, Sardinia, Andalusia, Greece and Albania up to +45°C!
Peak of summer 2020 in Europe is here and there is nothing left but use these times cleverly for vaccations and summer activities.