Indian November summer has surprised with abnormally hot weather in northern and northeastern parts of the USA.
In North Platte, Nebraska, has been on Friday, 6. November, measured recorded +30,6°C / 87.1°F, what is historic first time, when temperature overcame threshold +30,0°C in November.
Absolute temperature November record in North Platte was until Friday, 6. November 2020 only 28,3°C / 83°F. In December temperature never reached more than 76°F / 24,4°C and in January more than 74°F / 23,3°C.
Extremely warm, almost 20°C above seasonal temperature average has been in all northern and northeastern territory of the USA, e.g. +27,8°C / 82°F in Sioux Falls, +25,6°C / 78.1°F in Rapid City, +23,9°C / 75°F in Baltimore, Duluth and Minneapolis, +23,3°C / 73.9°F in Chicago and Denver, +22,8°C / 73°F in Cheyenne and New York, +22,2°C / 72°F in Boston, +21,7°C /71.1°F in Detroit and Philadelphia, +21,1°C / 70°F in Cleveland and Washington D.C. and +20,0°C / 68°F in Casper and Pittsburgh.
Sioux Falls in southern Canada has reported +26,9°C / 80.4°F.
Accroding to newest forecasts, extreme warm Indian summer will hold in Midwest until 10. November and in Northeast until 13. November 2020, with next overcoming of maximum temperature records.
Incoming coldwave will be strongest in western, central, northern USA and Northern Plains.

Infographics: meteologix.com, wxcharts.com: