While London delighted summer +28,5°C in warm advection before powerful cold front in Friday, Iceland and Scotland hit wind, rain and cold /https://mkweather.com/2020/07/17/nw-europe-hit-strong-winds-and-rain-iceland-160-km-h-uk-120-km-h-eastern-half-of-europe-is-in-the-grip-of-storms-warnings-for-for-the-whole-of-europe-canada-and-the-usa-for-next-3-days//. During the Saturday, cold front is moving trough England and bringing a worsening of weather, with stronger winds, showers and cooling effect.
In East Scotland, on the leeward side of the mountains, it became clear at the night in the cold air near 0 ° C at 850hPa and temperatures dropped extremely low. In Saturday night reported village Aboyne in Eastern Scotland, 79 miles from Edinburgh, the lowest temperature in low-lying areas throughout Europe, only +3,8°C (140 MASL). This temperature is only cca 5°C from absolute July record for this village (-1,3°C).
Next two mornings can be in Scotland even colder, with more dry and cold air and in Monday weaker wind. Is possible, that in air around 0°C in 850 hPa temperature will drop closely to 0°C with ground frosts. Cooling effect gradually arrive to London too, with temperatures below +20°C mainly during the whole Sunday.
Till Wednesday, coldest air in Europe will shift over Norway and Sweden, relatively cold will be too in Denmark, Benelux, northern Germany and Poland and later Baltic states and Finland.

Synoptic situation – Sunday – after transition of cold front above all territory of UK /chmi.cz
Spain with “only” +42,4°C, southern France +32,8°C, southern Italy +32,4°C and in Monday shift heatwaves above Alps and Adriatic regions
In southern Spain and Portugal heatwaves persist during all actual week, but the most hottest was in Friday in Badajoz, southern Spain, +42,4°C. It was little less than predicted forecast. Hot air during last days crossed the Pyrenees and in southern France was measured +32,8°C in Friday (Montpellier). Relatively hot weather arrived too in southern Italy, to Sicily and Sardinia, with +32,4°C in Friday.
Good news is, that hot air will come in Monday to the northern and eastern regions too, above +15°C in 850 hPa (with tropical days over +30°C, up to +35°C regionally) will be in Switzerland, Austrial Crotatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, easern Bulgary and Romania and southwest Hungary too. Later this air will touch a borders of Germany and Slovakia too, with locally tropical days in the most south regions.
Then above Europe will come next wave of colder weather, but not so much cold such actual. In some days in the end of July and start of August heatwaves had to return to southern half of central Europe.