The worst winds are expected in Atlantic coast of France, Cornwall Peninsula in England, southeastern Ireland, northern Spain, southern Norway and Denmark, Adriatic and Czechia, with gusts 80 – 120 kph (50 – 75 mph) in lowlands, mountains and coastal areas. In Cairngorm, Scotland, has been already measured 133 km/h (83 mph) wind gusts, but European windstorms are defined by wind gusts over 110 km/h (70 mph) in lower areas by MetOffice. Name Alex has been given to storm on Wednesday, 30. September by Météo France, when gusts in the coast reached more than 110 km/h (70 mph).
Windstorm Alex is slowly – moving system /https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-forecasts/slow-moving-storm-alex-becomes-1st-named-windstorm-for-europe-this-fall/821990/ and during next 7 days (the first 7 October 2020 days) will be slowly shifting over Western Europe eastward and will bring heavy rainfall. The highest precipitation amounts are expected in Alpine region (up to 400 mm!), in higher elevations again with heavy snowfall /https://mkweather.com/2020/09/27/alps-with-more-than-1-meter-of-snow-a-big-photogallery/; https://mkweather.com/2020/09/29/austrian-alps-under-the-snow-italy-with-the-coldest-september-days-for-50-years//, but too in Great Britain, France, northern Spain and Italy, Corsica, Sardegna and southern Norway. In mentioned regions will be high risk of floods during the next week.
On the back side of the system, extremely cold air will be flowing over parts, mainly Western Europe and British Isles, with maximum temperatures only +10/+15°C in France, northern Spain, the UK, Ireland, Benelux and later parts of Central Europe, Denmark and northern Italy. Scandinavia will be warmer such as northern Spain few days at the beginning of October 2020. Andalusia expects maximum temperatures only around +22°C during the coldwave.
Temperature anomalies from long-term average will reach regionally more than -12°C (12°C below long-term average).
On the front side of the system, however, an October heatwave peaks on Saturday, 3. October in East-Central Europe, Italy and Balkan /https://mkweather.com/2020/09/29/summer-like-temperatures-in-central-europe-and-tropical-days-in-balkan-already-on-saturday//. Hot weather will be persisting in early October in Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, too /https://mkweather.com/2020/09/29/cyprus-404c-israel-428c-egypt-436c-saudi-arabia-460c-with-all-time-september-records-regionally-cyclonic-activity-over-europe-caused-mega-heatwave-in-eastern-medit//.
Mainly in the UK, France, Spain, western Germany and northern Italy and countries in its neighborhood stay in safe and watch current weather news and warnings next 7 days.

Infographics – series of outputs from forecast model from wxcharts.com and wetterzentrale.de:

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