-31,2°C in Switzerland! Extreme winter is here! France, Germany, Italy and Austria with severe frosts, too!

Extreme frosts came to Europe earlier than was forecast!
Thanks to a deep snow cover, together with anomalously dry masses on the backside of the Siberian air mass, within high pressure in calm wind, minimum temperatures in Combe Noire dropped to only -31,2°C!
From other stations of the site agrometeo.ch, -30,9°C was measured in Combe des Amburnex, -30,3°C in Glattalp, -29,3°C in Hintergräppelen, -25,5°C in Les Pontets, -25,0°C in La Chaux d’Abel, -23,8°C in La Brévine -23,2°C in La Chaux and -22,6°C in Sämtisersee.
In many cases, these stations are elevated below 1000 MASL, TOP 2 stations around 1200 MASL.
Extreme frosts were reported from France, Austria, or Germany, too, from available data, -19,4°C in Mouthe, France (around 1000 MASL), -17,0°C in Weitensfeld, Austria, 705 MASL or -16,9°C in Oberstdorf, Germany, 810 MASL. Soon will be available data from Italy, too /https://doline.meteotriveneto.it/minima-assoluta//.
It appears, that in other stations (not only within the International Exchange Site) in the Alpine region, in France, Germany, Italy, or Austria, the minimum temperature very probably dropped below -20°C.
The measured temperature in Switzerland is the lowest temperature of the winter, detected in populated regions.
In elevations below 1000 MASL, below -25°C should be measured (-23,8°C in LA Brévine), which are the strongest frosts of the season in lower elevated areas, so far.
Severe frosts should in the next 2 mornings appear in very dry air masses above all Central, Eastern Europe, Balkan, and the Baltic regions (from mid-latitudes) and extreme frosts should appear in Scandinavia, again.
In the next articles, we will look at extreme minimum temperatures measured in Greece, India, and Japan, such as heatwaves / warm spells in Australia, Antarctica, and Greenland.

🥶 Very #cold temperatures in the Jura Mountains today 🇫🇷🇨🇭.
— Thierry Goose (@ThierryGooseBC) December 21, 2021
-31.2°C Combe Noire
-30.9°C Combe des Amburnex
-30.3°C Glattalp
-29.3°C Hintergräppelen
-25.5°C Les Pontets
-25.0°C La Chaux d'Abel
-23.8°C La Brévine
-23.2°C La Chaux
-22.6°C Sämtisersee
From https://t.co/2KuFGFhD5P. pic.twitter.com/NgHC7LPHWf
🌙Le ciel souvent dégagé en cette fin de nuit a favorisé des gelées parfois fortes sur une grande partie du territoire.
— Météo-France (@meteofrance) December 21, 2021
-19.4°C Mouthe
-15°C Pontarlier
-13.5°C Chamonix
-11°C Le Puy
-9.3°C Aubusson
-8.9°C Mende
-7°C Rosans
📸#ObservationsParticipatives📲Météo-France pic.twitter.com/ySuA9WuzML