Abnormally cold conditions hit at the weekend USA /https://mkweather.com/2020/10/26/in-october-never-been-so-cold-in-the-usa-220-years-all-time-records-overcame-in-november-indian-summer-in-outlook/; https://mkweather.com/2020/10/23/arctic-days-will-come-in-october-usa-under-record-early-snowfall-with-200-year-october-frosts// and anomalous cold weather has continued from Monday to Wednesday 26.-28. October above Central and Southern parts.
Although after historic coldwave long period with Indian summer is expected /https://mkweather.com/2020/10/27/after-historic-october-coldwaves-long-period-of-indian-summer-in-northern-usa-and-southern-canada-between-2-10-november-temperatures-regionally-more-than-20c-above-long-term-averages//, extremely cold air is still making problems in southeastern US, where its precipitation systems have linked with Hurricane Zeta /https://mkweather.com/2020/10/29/hurricane-zeta-hit-louisiana-with-winds-177-km-h-110-mph-category-2-it-aims-to-europe// and are bringing floods.
According to electroverse.net, 3782 minimum temperature records has been broken in the USA for last 7 days (and just 518 maximum temperature), with the historic measured minimum temperature in the US territory in October ever (except for Alaska), only -33°C / -29.2°F in Potowac, Montana.
Extremely low temperatures has been reported from a lot of stations (tables with stations with temperature minimum below -10°C and temperature maximum below +3°C are in Infographics part); e.g. -25,6°C / -14.1°F in Craig (1888 MASL), -23,3°C / -9.9°F in Scottbluff (1208 MASL) and Sheridan (1225 MASL), -22,8°C / -9°F in Riverton (1684 MASL), -22,2°C / -8°F in Pueblo (1440 MASL), -21,7°C /-7,1°F in Casper (1630 MASL), -21,1°C / -6°F in Helena (1180 MASL), -20,0°C / -4°F in Valentine (789 MASL), -19,4°C / -2.9°F in Havre (789 MASL) and Missoula (975 MASL), -18,3°C /-0.9°F in Glasgow (699 MASL) and -17,8°C / 0°F in Cheyenne (1876 MASL).
Arctic days from the weekend have been replaced by ice days with all-day frosts.
Except for many October snowfall records (some were mentioned in previous articles – links above), rarely ice storm has occurred in Oklahoma, parts of Kansas and Texas early last October workweek. Trees, cars, roads and homes has been covered be 1,5 cm / 0.6 inches of ice cover with many collapses of trees or accidents in the traffic (photos and videos in Infographics).
It appears, that Mkweather Autumn forecast, with predicted powerful early cold shots is successful for Europe and USA / Canada both /https://mkweather.com/2020/08/22/europe-autumn-2020-forecast-mkweather-accuweather-maps-and-analysis/; https://mkweather.com/2020/07/29/first-forecast-for-winter-2020-21-early-powerful-coldwaves-nov-dec-then-weakening-of-cold-pattern-and-warm-jan-feb-mar/; https://mkweather.com/2020/09/24/updated-forecast-for-winter-2020-21-still-nao-ao-in-first-half-of-winter-nao-ao-in-second-half-of-winter-permanent-la-nina-and-surprisingly-easterly-qbo-possible//. During November 2020, Mkweather will update last forecast for winter 2020/2021.
Infographics: coolwx.com, ogimet.com