Typhoon threats in Philippines and Vietnam /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/15/death-tool-in-monsoon-asia-is-rising-near-600-700-after-40-days-of-abnormal-tropical-activity-typhoon-vamco-summary-and-videos// have been replaced by still heavy, but not tropical rains in stable pressure field and the most severe storms with floods and landslides have shifted last days above Malaysia and Indonesia.
About floods in Malaysia will be on from next Mkweather articles, therefore we should look to floods in Indonesia.
During November 2020, portal floodlist.com has informed about 4 flooding situations in Indonesia: http://floodlist.com/asia/indonesia-floods-aceh-november-2020; http://floodlist.com/asia/indonesia-floods-sumatra-westnusatenggara-november-2020; http://floodlist.com/asia/indonesia-landslide-banyumas-central-java-november-2020; http://floodlist.com/asia/indonesia-deadly-floods-and-landslides-in-java-and-sumatra-islands – mainly in Java and Sumatra.
Extreme rainfall hit Jakarta, Indonesian capital, before few days, too – roads turned into rivers according to weather watchers /video below/.
According to wxcharts.com weather tools, next heavy rains with possible floods and landslides in Malaysia, Indonesia, but too southern Vietnam and northern Philippines are expected until 10. December 2020.
Main reasons of heavy rains in these months in the region are strong wet MJO phase /40-day forecast until 1. January 2021 below/ together with La-nina /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/14/forecast-for-world-winter-2020-21-and-summer-2021-according-to-enso-predictions-strong-la-nina-winter-neutral-summer//. Result of this circulation is 20-40% more precipitation in the region with severe life, property and ecosystem threats.

Infographics: wxcharts.com, NOAA