Information has brought portal electroverse.net.
Not only extremely coldwaves in October 2020 in the USA /https://mkweather.com/2020/10/29/historic-coldwave-in-the-usa-the-lowest-october-temperature-ever-292c-20-2f-oklahoma-with-dangerous-ice-storm/; https://mkweather.com/2020/10/23/arctic-days-will-come-in-october-usa-under-record-early-snowfall-with-200-year-october-frosts//, but latest an extreme November snowfall amounts across the Northern America are reported in late November 2020 from some parts of Canada or the USA.
After record snowfall in early November in Canadian Prairies /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/10/historic-snowfall-in-canadian-prairies-big-photogallery//, moreover strong blizzard conditions have shifted currently above eastern Canada, mainly Ontario and Labrador.
Newest snow records were reported from Toronto, Great Lakes region, Canada (19,4 cm / 7.6 inches) and Denver, Colorado, south-central USA (12,7 cm / 5 inches).
In first half of November 2020, warmer weather with Indian summer returned into Northern America and Europa thanks to strong positive AO and NAO phase, what was in little contradiction with Mkweather early coldwaves seasonal forecast in late autumn 2020 and early winter 2020/2021.
At the end of November 2020 and in early December 2020 however we have returned into colder conditions, with next early coldwaves across Northern Hemisphere – results of this change were a snowfall conditions in parts of Northern America, too.
It is possible, that after October 2020 (AO-/NAO-), November 2020 ends with NAO+/AO+ overall character and we are in expectation, that December 2020 will bring more powerful coldwaves, as we usually have to get during the current, advanced phase of climate change.