Weather Nation published a trending video, where 3 brown bears cross a road in Rocky Mountains.
This incident happened in road in snowy scenery in Moran, Wyoming this week.
People immediately started to film a wild nature on their phones and deal with their videos with the public.
Through a road cross firstly one big brown bear, but after him, run next 2 bears and cross the snowy barrier.
Bears have only little problem with crossing of a snowdrifts next to the road.
Video has been published on Youtube and Facebook, both – on Youtube with big snowflakes in Idaho and tornado in Texas /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/25/stormy-southeast-rainy-northwest-and-tornadic-midwest-f2-tornado-in-arlington-texas//.
Denver, Colorado has experienced with a record snowfall on Tuesday, 24. November 2020 /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/25/toronto-19-4-cm-and-denver-12-7-cm-with-newest-snowfall-records-on-sunday-and-tuesday-22-24-november-2020// and snowy situation hit other parts of Rockies last days.
However, some bears don´t sleep yet, because during the first half of November 2020 region hit extremely warm period of Indian summer /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/07/tropical-indian-summer-in-november-north-platte-in-nebraska-306c-87-1f//.