While Italy, Balkan, SE Central Europe, and Ukraine will in the next period enjoying a peak of Summer 2021 /https://mkweather.com/the-strongest-heatwave-of-the-year-47c-in-italy-and-greece-46c-bulgaria-n-macedonia-45c-serbia-44c-romania-43c-hungary-40c-ukraine-on-outputs-of-gfs-july-2021//, western and gradually all continental Europe will sink into a powerful coldwave.
Severe storms in the next period are forecasted mainly for northern British Islands, southwestern Scandinavia, the Alps, the Carpathians, and east-continental Europe, but cold air will flood many parts, including countries, where cold fronts and cyclonic systems won´t bring heavy rains.
Cold weather is already until the end of July 2021 forecasted for Portugal, Spain, (Morocco, Algeria), France, the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
In the first decade of August 2021, cold air will shift above Czechia, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Malta, (Tunisia), Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Moldova, and Romania.
Only southern Italy, southern Balkan, Greece, and Turkey stay hot and won´t be hit by coldwave very strongly.
Cold air should bring very cold mornings and low daily temperatures, in some regions too showers or T-storms, which however won´t be mainly in western Europe so powerful, such as on the east.
Locally, temperatures in frost basins and valleys should drop below +5°C, maybe rarely below +3°C, with rare mid-summer holidays ground frosts.
Maximum temperatures during the coldest days only around +20°C, near rain or heavy storms only around +15°C are possible across European mid-latitudes.
According to ECMWF, hotter weather is forecasted to return to Europe during the second half of August 2021 /ECMWF 6-week forecast will be updated on Mkweather, soon/.

Source: wxcharts.com