Remnants of typhoon Noul and next monsoon rains which hit region during last decade has brought severe weather conditions over all Southern Asia.
In Bangladesh, on Sunday, 27. September 2020, has fallen 433 mm (17 inches) / 12 hours in the city of Rangpur according to watchers.news. It is the highest rainfall in region since 1960. Only September monthly rainfall in Rangpur is 315 mm (12.4 inches), therefore, year 2020 will overwrite a monthly statistics, too.
In Nepal, Gandaki Pradesh, floods with subsequent landslides killed 126 people until Saturday, 26. September 2020. “The heavy rainfall may trigger the rise in water level in many rivers, leading to the incidents of inundations and landslide,” Minister of Internal Affairs and Law said.
In India and Pakistan, together 600 000 (300 000 + 300 000) people has been hit by severe monsoon floods according floodlist.com. In India, heavy rain hit 13 districts in state Assam, northeast India (near Bangladesh and Nepal). In Pakistan, 300 000 people need food assistance after last flood wave according to UN’s World Food Programme (WFP). Already 136 people died in Pakistan and hundreds in India this monsoon season. A strong monsoon wave has noticed AccuWeather, too /https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-forecasts/southwest-monsoon-retreat-brings-relief-to-parts-of-waterlogged-india/820995/.
According to long-term forecasts, next monsoon rains are expected in southern, eastern, northeastern India, eastern Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar until 16. October 2020. In the region Nepal – NE India – Bangladesh is still valid high flood-risk during first half of October 2020.