Very cold air, which has shifted above Europe after cold front at the weekend is conserved within inversion temperature layer in the middle of strong pressure high above Central Europe, with result of severe frosts from Scandinavia to Italy and Greece.
Extreme conditions were on Wednesday, 25. November, reported from Austria – in St. Johann / Pongrau (634 MASL), minimum temperature near clear skier after few foggy days has dropped extremely low, only to -14,6°C and next period with cold anticyclonic nights is expected into December 2020.
Germany has responded to severe frost situation in Central Europe by 1st level warnings before severe frosts almost for all territory – this type weather is linked with increased incidency of COVID-19 (cold and dry) in the winter, therefore will be careful in Central Europe.
Scandinavia has reported even stronger frosts on Wednesday, up to -20,2°C in Pajala, Sweden, -20,1°C in Kittila, Finland and -18,7°C in Cuovddetomhki, Norway, but frosts like this are here more common such as -15°C during late autumn in Central Europe.
Extreme frosts however, were reported from southern parts of continent too – Berovo in Macedonia has reported only -9,2°C, Torino in northern Italy -6,2°C and next metropolitan areas – Ljubljana in Slovenia, -6,4°C and Skopje in North Macedonia only -6,2°C.
Solid frosts has been reported from lower areas from Poland (Jelenia Gora, -8,2°C, Ratece, Slovenia, -7,8°C, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania, -7,5°C, Poprad, Slovakia, -7,5°C, Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina, -6,7°C, Pec pod Snežkou -6,5°C, Kempten, Germany -6,0°C, Kielce, Poland -5,3°C or Stuttgart, Germany, -5,1°C.
In frost basins in Czechia, but above 800 or 1000 MASL, Rokytská Slať, minimum temperatures again have dropped to -14°C on Tuesday and Wednesday, 24.-25. November 2020.
Next, very long and powerful coldwave in Europe is expected already between 28. November – 8. December 2020 – it starts already this weekend! Medium-range forecast of this coldwave and next outlook will be a topic of the next article on Mkweather.com
Infographics: wxcharts.com, meteoalarm. eu, ogimet.com, chmi.cz