In the next few days, the next strong heatwave hits western USA and Canada, and environmental stress will be again increased, with a higher probability of heat-related fatalities or negative impacts on ecosystems.
Already after the first abnormal heatwave, when in Canada, +49,6°C was at the end of June 2021 measured /https://mkweather.com/50c-in-canada-one-of-the-biggest-heatwaves-in-modern-history-overwrote-national-records-by-5c-9f-lytton-496c/; https://mkweather.com/after-50c-came-wildfires-and-all-lytton-was-destroyed//, trees have started drop their leaves prematurely, and Canadian and US Rocky Mountains have found themselves in the fire.
Although the upcoming heatwave won´t be so strong, 3-digit temperatures are possible again and exhausted nature should react into returning heat by the next unfavorable reactions.
Heatwave will be shifting until Sunday, 11. July 2021 above western Hudson Bay region, while northern Quebec and northern Newfoundland should see surprisingly July´s snowfall, thanks to ex-hurricane Elsa and the cold Arctic blast in the region, with air with Greenland´s origin.
Drought and wildfire situation will be worsened across all western USA and during July 2021 is expected, that heatwaves built-in the area will be hit the northern USA, too /https://mkweather.com/july-2021-forecast-for-the-usa-from-noaa//.
According to additional information, in Vancouver Island during June 2021 heatwave appeared a supertropical night with a minimum temperature of +29,0°C.
The second highest temperatures in history appeared in Edmonton and Calgary, too (+37,0°C and +36,3°C).
Just in eastern parts of British Columbia, parts of northern and central Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba and southern Northwestern Territories and Nunavut will be the second heatwave in the next days the strongest, with additional temperature records.

Sources: wxcharts.com, wetterzentrale.de, tropicaltidbits.com