The extreme heatwave was before 10. August 2021 reported again from the Caucasian and Caspian regions, where maximum temperatures reached anomalously high, and regionally, all-time August records were broken.
The hottest August day in history appeared in Baku, Azerbaijan, with +41,9°C.
In Kazakhstan, Akkdukk reported +45,7°C and Istai +45,0°C in the last days, and from all central Asia are reported many dead animals – Summer 2021 is mainly in western, Caspian parts of Central Asia extremely hot.
In Caspian and Caucasian Russia, +42,6°C was measured in Uralsk and +42,0°C in Dosang.
Moreover, Siberia has reported the next severe wildfires, while the Far East reported severe floods and Andreapol powerful tornado.
While above Sahara and the Middle East, extremely hot summer will be continuing, in Central Asia, Caspian and Caucasian region a few colder weeks ar in 6-week outlook from ECMWF.
Current heatwaves should be a regional peak of Summer 2021, however, the next heatwave should arrive from Europe at the end of August 2021, yet, mainly to southern parts.