Extremely hot air from the first heatwave in June 2021 has shifted above easternmost parts of Europe, including European Kazakhstan, while in Europe, the second peak of heatwaves has already begun.
Extremely hot times were on Monday, 28. June reported not only from Caucasian region /https://mkweather.com/yerevan-411c-baku-405c-tbilisi-389c-all-time-monthly-june-records-for-caucasian-countries//, but too from area northward from Caspian sea.
Novyj Ushtogan, western Kazakhstan reported an extreme +45,4°C, which should be the highest temperature even not only in the city but too in all European Kazakhstan ever!
Surprisingly it´s the same value, such as from Utta, Kalmykia, Russia from 12. July 2010, therefore similarity with the year 2010 is still preserved, although, in 2021, extreme heatwaves hit all eastern half of Europe.
Severe heatwaves will persist above Kazakhstan minimally until 5. July 2021, only after 5. July, a cold front is for now forecasted.
The second peak of a heatwave in Europe should bring even higher temperatures in Italy, Greece, Balkan, or parts of Central and Eastern Europe already around 29. June – 1. July 2021, some forecast models on Sunday saw a possibility of +48°C temperatures in southern Italy.
Mkweather will furthermore watch the situation in Europe and will be bringing current news about a possible new temperature records and severe storms.