Forecasts are worse than at the end of workweek and from Zeta should be Category 1, or even Category 2 hurricane, when it enters on the USA land.
Before Zeta arrive over the territory of the USA, hits Yucatan already next hours.
Then, on Wednesday and Thursday, hits Southeastern USA in relatively powerful late-autumn conditions, with making a rainfall and bringing severe winds to Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and Georgia.
Zeta hits USA only few hours after arrival of tropical storm Epsilon /https://mkweather.com/2020/10/24/hurricane-epsilon-hits-british-isles-in-full-power// (degraded Hurricane Epsilon from Category 4) to Europe.
Zeta should hit accompained by sustained winds around 75, maybe 80 mph (120 – 130 km/h) and bring extreme rainfall more northward, than we should expect – it remnants hit Tennessee and Kentucky from Thursday to Friday, with possible floods in the north of Gulf Coast states and mentioned area.
After Zeta, next threats should appear, not only in US Atlantic sector, but too in Central American sector or Mexican Pacific hurricane sector in early November 2020.
Hurricane Zeta will be accompained by extreme coldwave on its back side – extreme cold air will be gradually shifting from Central, Southern USA and Midwest to Northeast and East Coast during the week.
If you live in Southeastern US, watch current forecasts and warnings for better preparedness before one from the last tropical threats of extreme Atlantic hurricane season 2020.
Infographics: tropicaltidbits.com, wxcharts.com, NOAA: