Extreme winter thanks to persisting negative AO and NAO phases since late November 2021 has already come into India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, with a result of extremely low temperatures in populated mountains and the next Western disturbance with snowfall on way!
The famous coldest village of India, Dras at 3300 MASL, reported at the weekend anomalous -20,3°C.
Srinagar, Kashmir capital, 1585 MASL, reported only -6,0°C.
In Churu (290 MASL), only -1,1°C was measured (below 0°C not very often in lowlands in northern India).
In Delhi, the temperature dropped to +4,4°C (all-time record is -0,6°C from January) and it should be even colder in the next period, thanks to the very strong AO- phase /https://mkweather.com/12-30-runs-of-gefs-expect-an-extremely-low-ao-index-from-5-to-7-for-christmas-time-and-new-year// and the next ex-Mediterranean lows (Western disturbances).
IMD before anomalously cold weather published red warnings, including densely populated metropolitan areas!
The following Western disturbance is on its way and it´s forecasted to come early next week, around 27.-28. December 2021 from northern Middle East /https://mkweather.com/winterstorm-snowing-in-israel-and-lebanon-and-syria-from-around-1000-masl-lowlands-and-coast-with-severe-floods-tel-aviv-1856-mm-72-hours//.
Snowing is forecast for more than the half of territory of Afghanistan and in mountainous Pakistan and India.
In the last days, snow and frosts have appeared even in the Thar desert region, the region “of sand and heat” in Rajasthan.
Meanwhile, in Bhopal, NW India, was measured the lowest temperature in 24 years (since 1997) (of) only +3,4°C (record from 1997 is +3,1°C) /https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/newsindia/bhopal-records-lowest-december-temperature-in-last-24-years/ar-AARZZKp?ocid=st/.
According to forecasts for the next 2-3 weeks, it´s only the beginning of a longer compact coldwave, with a possible historic peak in the first half of January 2022.
Therefore, if you live in northern India, Pakistan, or Afghanistan, stay safe and warm.