Although in Northeast is expected after next severe blizzard serious coldwave already in the first Feburary 2021 days, rest of the USA should be prepared for even stronger frosts in the medium and long-term outlook.
Blizzard in Great Lakes region and Northeast is expected already between Sunday and Tuesday, 31. January – 2. February 2021, then the strongest frosts of a winter should appear.
The next, strong coldwave, which will be shifting from the western above central adn eastern USA between 6.-12. Feburary 2021 however, will be stronger (including Northeast).
Only Southwest, probably, has the worst behind its and this coldwave in California should be slightly midler than previous /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/27/peak-of-winter-in-northern-america-between-5-15-february-southern-usa-under-the-snow-including-grand-canyon//.
Many states in Northwest, central USA, Midwest, Northern Plains, Great Lakes region, Northeast or South and Southeast should experience with the coldest times of the year during these days.
In Rocky Mountains, should be measured really cold temperatures very rarely up to -50°F / -45°C.
During similar period, between 8.-15. Feburary, extreme coldwave is still forecasted for many parts of Europe /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/29/the-ecmwf-sees-an-extreme-siberian-blast-between-8-15-february-2021//.