Extremely warm, Indian summer-like weather hit northern USA on Tuesday, 8. December, with even higher possible maximum temperatures on Wednesday, 9. December 2020.
In Sheridan, northern Wyoming (1225 MASL), maximum temperature has reached 72°F / +22,2°C, although in the morning, 28°F / -2,2°C frost has appeared.
Even higher temperature amplitude has been measured in North Platte, Nebraska (854 MASL), with morning frost 18°F / -7,7°C and maximum daily temperature 68°F / +20,0°C.
+20,0°C has been measured in Rapid City, South Dakota, too, with morning temperature 32°F / 0,0°C.
Wave of extremely warm weather will shift during the rest of week above more eastern parts of the USA and Canada and from west and northwest will begin cooling down gradually. with severe coldwaves in Canada next week and regional snowfall in the USA /https://mkweather.com/2020/12/09/northwest-and-minneapolis-region-with-widespread-snow-cover-7-days-before-christmas//.
Before a Christmas, next warming up is expected, but probably not with so high temperatures an temperature amplitudes such as these days.
Last Mkweather Christmas forecast you should find on /https://mkweather.com/2020/12/06/first-christmas-forecast-for-the-usa-and-canada-warm-christmas-but-chances-for-snow-in-west-midwest-and-great-lakes-region// and Winter 2020/2021 outlook on /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/24/winter-forecast-2020-2021-final-outlook/ or https://mkweather.com/2020/11/29/winter-forecast-for-usa-from-noaa//.
Infographics: meteologix.com, wxcharts.com