In late December 2020, minimum temperatures 2 days dropped into -57,2°C and -57,5°C what are the lowest temperatures for station in International Exchange Site minimally since 2002.
It´s 10. January 2021 and temperatures in Pole of Cold are again extremely deep below zero, station reports again below -55,0°C and temperature is still decreasing.
During the next period, masses of extremely cold air over Siberia will be regenerating and parts of Eurasia hit one of the strongest peaks of winter in 3rd millennium.
In pictures below we can see, that 2 parts with extremely cold air above Europe and Far East will merge until 17. January 2021, with next severe rounds of temperature records from Taiwan to Algeria.
Oymyakon during next 2-3 weeks should surprise with extreme low temperatures -55/-60°C, maybe below -60°C.
-55°C is a critical border, when schools in the coldest inhabited town in the world are closed.
In historic coldwave in 2002, temperatures in Oymyakon dropped into -62,7°C.
Absolute official temperature record of minimum temperature in Oymyakon, is -67,7°C from 6. Feburary 1933.

Current and forecasted situation for Northern Hemisphere /wetterzentrale.de

Read more:
Oymyakon: The lowest temperature since 2002 (!) -57,2°C / -71°F in monstrous pressure high 1076 hPa!