In previous article we have informed about floods in Indonesia and possible heavy, but not tropical rains in Vietnam and Philippines forecasted during the rest of November and the first decade of December 2020.
Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei are situated between activity of typhoons in the north and calm zone of Intertropical Convergence Zone in the south, with often alternating of both flooding threats.
During last months, several tropical waves from Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam of Philippines hit mainly northern parts of Malaysia and simultaneously, southern parts, neighboring to Indonesia hit equatorial rainfalls.
Last week, situation in Malaysia has been bad – floods hit many regions in the country, including capital city, Kuala Lumpur /videos below/.
In Kuala Lumpur, last 7 days temperatures have been moving between +23/+34°C (maximum and minimum temperatures both) and every day have been reported storms, on Tuesday with precipitation total 73,4 mm, last 48 hours together 59,8 mm.
Forecasts are unfavorable for Malaysia and Brunei, too, with precipitation in eastern and southern Malaysia and Brunei 200 – 500, very rarely up to 800 mm until 10. December 2020, with next possible floods or landslides in region.
Wet MJO and La nina will be persisting minimally until January 2021, therefore, flooding circulation will stay in Southeastern Asia minimally next 1 – 2 months, if not until the end of Winter 2020/2021.
Mkweather will watch the situation and brings fresh news and forecast during next weeks and months.

Infographics: wxcharts.com, NOAA: