Already in the last article, we were informed about a possibility of extremely low temperatures not only in Scandinavia /https://mkweather.com/scandinavia-in-the-next-4-days-below-40c-sweden-already-383c-and-temperature-is-decreasing//, but almost in all Europe /https://mkweather.com/central-europe-expects-a-10-day-coldwave-it-will-start-in-5-days-and-brings-20c-temperatures-and-lower-almost-every-day/; https://mkweather.com/eastern-europe-25c-with-2-peaks-of-severe-winter-11-14-and-18-21-january-2022/; https://mkweather.com/the-next-peak-of-winter-for-turkey-east-with-30c-and-northern-middle-east-frosts-and-snowing-below-1000-masl-after-15-january-2022/; https://mkweather.com/12-days-of-severe-frosts-for-italy-15c-apennines-25c-alps-and-balkan-20c-carpathians-25c-dinaric-mountains/; https://mkweather.com/spain-10c-and-portugal-5c-with-a-long-term-10-day-coldwave-ahead/; https://mkweather.com/france-20c-benelux-15c-10-days-of-severe-frosts-ahead-start-already-in-5-days/; https://mkweather.com/british-islands-10-days-of-severe-frosts-ahead-start-already-in-5-days//.
Already on Saturday, 8. January 2022, morning, a minimum temperature in Gielas, Sweden, reached -38,7°C and the next 3 extremely cold nights, with a peak around Monday, 10. January 2022, are expected, when the minimum temperature very probably drops somewhere into the interval -40/-45°C.
Moreover, after a short warm period in the middle of the month, according to the newest GFS, anomalously cold conditions should quickly return and already around 19.-20. January 2022 there will be next chances for temperatures -40/-45°C!
Temperature fields for the second period are even colder than for the first period, therefore, it appears such a peak of Winter 2021/2022 not only in Scandinavia but in Europe, too (will be updated).
Moreover, warmer conditions between coldwaves should be regionally associated with blizzards, therefore a rest from winter-like weather will be very limited.
The temperature in 850 hPa should fall during the first coldwave (already in a few hours) above Lapland into interval -15/-20°C, while around 20. January 2022 should similarly cold air masses shift above southern Sweden!
Therefore, while the first coldwave hits mainly not very densely populated areas in Lapland, the second coldwave should surprise Stockholm or other metropolitan cities across Scandinavia and the Baltic region.
During the upcoming peak of winter will be careful (if you live in northern Europe), because health hazards, power outages, or problems in travel are very possible.
Updated of temperatures from the upcoming 3 mornings we will bring soon.

Illustration maps: wetterzentrale.de

Source: wxcharts.com


Source: wetterzentrale.de