Extreme late-Summer 2021 coldwave is bringing expected temperatures very close to zero already in lower situated, populated basins and valleys, and even in lowlands in continental Europe.
The coldest was the last 2 nights (from Friday to Saturday, 27.-28. August 2021 in Slovakia and from Thursday to Friday, 26.-27. August 2021 in Hungary) probably in Slovakia and Hungary, where +1,1°C in Vyšná Boca (Slovakian valleys) and +4,0°C in Szeczeny (Hungarian lowlands) was measured.
In Slovakia is this value only 4,1°C above all-time national August record from Oravská Lesná from the last century (-3,0°C).
In Czechian frost basins (Horská Kvilda), up to -1,5°C was masured already on 23. August 2021 (source: Infomet.cz)
Very cold was in other European countries, too – Folldal – Fredheim in Norway reported -3,3°C, Latnivaara, Swede, -1,9°C, Taivalkoski Paloasema, Finland, -1,5°C, Shap, England, +1,9°C, Zetlweg, Austria, +3,6°C, Gueret St- Laurent, France, +3,7°C, Zakopane, Poland, +4,0°C. Temperatures in frost valleys were probably in these coutnries similarly such in Slovakia even lower (International Exchange Site contains only report +3,5°C from Poprad, therefore national minimum was 2,4°C lower).
The next mornings will be the coldest in Alpine and Carpathian region, but very cold will be in all continental Europe and even in British Islands during the next workweek, around 3. September in the Alps and the Carpathians with the first possible frosts of the season (up to -1/-2°C in valleys, below 1000 MASL).
Until 10. September, however, weather outlook is warm, and gradually hot, with summer, later even tropical days /the next Mkweather article/.
If you live in mountainous basins and valleys in continental Europe, during the next days don´t forget your sensitive plants and a few days is needed to dress warm, yet, because maximum temperatures regionally won´t reach more than +8/+14°C, in warm regions +14/+19°C /https://mkweather.com/europe-coldwave-is-bringing-extremely-cold-maximum-temperatures-scandinavia-16c-germany-99c-croatia-142c-daily-temperatures-below-10c-until-2-september-are-possi//.