On Saturday, Saharan air brought a new records of maximum temperature in Mediterranean.
Temperatures are extremely high in Spain for long time and last hours were little hotter, than record from Sunday, 26. July 2020 (Écija, +44,7°C) – Saturday´s temperature high in Álora, province Malaga was +44,8°C /http://www.aemet.es/es/eltiempo/observacion/ultimosdatos?k=esp&w=1&datos=img/. Extremely hot day in Italy brought not only +42,0°C in Deciomannu, Sardinia, but too, thanks to very high humidity, extreme real-feel temperature up to +52°C in Sardinia /https://www.scienzenotizie.it/2020/08/01/caldo-record-in-italia-temperature-percepita-di-oltre-50-gradi-in-sardegna-1839151/. In Greece, on Friday +41,6°C was measured according to /http://www.emy.gr/emy/en/observation/yesterday_weather/ in Serres, Central Macedonia region and +41,4°C on Saturday, in Argos. In France, 3 days with maximum temperature up to +42°C were observerd, with maximum +41,9°C from Thursday in Socoa.
Heatwaves are not saying last word this summer, yet, and will be continue during first half of August in many parts of Europe /https://mkweather.com/2020/08/01/after-gusty-and-damaging-t-storms-saturday-wednesday-10-day-heatwaves-are-prepared-for-continental-europe//. Before heatwaves, heavy storms are till Wednesday, 5. August, expected.

Illustration photos: https://www.scienzenotizie.it; https://www.europenews.net