December 2021 is bringing extremes across all continents, including South America.
The most powerful events from the region from the last 10 days were heatwaves in Argentina and severe floods in the Bahia region, Brazil.
Extreme heatwaves in early Summer 2021/2022 hit firstly Chile, where an almost all-time national record was measured /https://mkweather.com/extreme-heatwave-in-chile-405c-only-03c-below-national-monthly-record-uruguay-after-floods//.
Extremely hot air has gradually shifted above Argentina, where 2 metropolitan cities reported unseasonably high maximum temperatures.
The first city, El Bolsón, southern Argentina, surprised on 6. December with the maximum temperature of +37,3°C.
The second one, Bariloche (a famous winter resort in the Andes) reported the earliest +32,0°C in history.
Opposite problems had parts of eastern and southeastern Brazil, where during summer months, a season of rain is coming.
The highest rainfall, with extreme floods, hit the city of Bahia, Brazil, after 450 mm rainfall.
11 people were killed and floods caused extensive damages (Tweets with videos and photos below).
This behavior of weather in the region agrees with Mkweather Summer 2021/2022 forecast for South America /https://mkweather.com/summer-2021-2022-forecast-for-south-america-stormy-north-hot-and-dry-south-cold-and-dry-pacific-coast//, with stormy “North” and hot “South” of the continent, with contributions of La Nina and AAO+ patterns.
If you live in the region, will be prepared for the strengthening of heatwaves in southern and possible severe storms in northern states.