What, if global warming or other unexpected factors will bring extreme warming of Earth around +10°C?
There were published many scenarios about possible climate changes, from extreme freezing scenarios and declining of Sun activity to really disturbing Global warming up to +10°C.
Some of these scenarios, on a scientific basis, are very terrifying, e.g. scenario of “Pink Sea and Green Skies” /https://hnonline.sk/svet/16882832-ruzove-more-zelene-nebo-a-90-percent-zivota-na-zemi-vymrie-copy?fbclid=IwAR36l2gGIhL2GpB_xSIFzz7xDskOUlLmfvNBfFCN3Xswt2dXsGMBZbiIzG8/.
This scenario, with its scientific base, is a subject of interest in the book “Under a Green Sky” by Petr Ward, 2007.
So-called “Canfield” pink ocean, changed the color of skies to green and even more possible changes are showing not very good reality in the case of abnormal scenarios of global warming.
Real “alarmistic” GW scenarios counted in the last decades with the warming maximally up to +8°C, but what will happen, if we were mistaken?
The change of average global temperature in 10°C should mean, that one region should be warmed up around +20°C, while another only be around +2/+3°C or even cooled down.
Most people in this climate should be living on the coast around the sea, which was once called the Arctic Ocean. It should be a kind of new “Mediterranean sea” around which the remnants of our civilization should be in this scenario concentrated. Other people are scattered around the world – in the rest of the British Isles, southern New Zealand, or parts of Antarctica and Patagonia.
“Finally, we look at the surface of the sea, and where our eye can see, there is only a surface like a mirror without foamy wave tips. But that’s not the most surprising thing. From shore to horizon, an endless pink color stretches before us – huge, monotonous, oil-pink things, something that doesn’t look like water at all, doesn’t look like anything in our world. No fish will jump above the surface, no bird or other flying creature will dive into the water for food. Huge concentrations of floating bacteria lend the pink color to the plague, and the Earth’s oceans have been covered with a 30-meter-thick glaze of pink and green bacterial soup.“
“What is there, however, is not life. It’s anti-life. Not far from the stinking shore, a large gas bubble emerges from the viscous oily surface, followed by a number of other bubbles of various sizes, which burst with noise. The gas that came out of them is not air, it’s not just methane, the gas that bubbles from the swamps – it’s hydrogen sulfide, produced by the green sulfur bacteria living under their pink cousins.“
“And finally, there is another surprise. High, much higher than the clouds on our Earth, are thin clouds. They exist in places that change the color of the sky itself. We stand under a bright green sky that smells of death and poison.”
…above samples from the book.
Just manifestations of a climate system like this in the practice of paleoclimatology are associated with a mass extinction – 90% of all life should lose near dramatic changes like described extreme warming.
On the other hand, the Sun cycle is forecasted to be anomalously weak between 2100-3500, with a result of possible colder Earth conditions than was forecast in the last decades.
Which theory is more probable according to you, or which scenario do you believe more?

Illustration picture: https://siberiantimes.com/other/others/features/crimson-treasure-of-siberia-the-salt-lake-that-turns-pink-on-sunny-days/