About historic frosts and blizzards, which hit China, Koreas, and Japan, we were informed already in the last Mkweather articles: -46,9°C was measured in Hulunbuir, China /https://mkweather.com/hulunbuir-china-469c-the-coldest-day-in-history// -44,4°C was measured in Jiayin, China /https://mkweather.com/frosts-hit-almost-all-china-northeast-with-historic-444c-in-jiayin-the-strongest-frosts-in-the-region-in-all-time-history//; -35,3°C in North Korea /https://mkweather.com/north-korea-hit-brutal-winter-353c-pyongyang-210c-only-18c-from-all-time-december-record//, and anomalous 213 cm of snowfall was reported from Japan, only at 900 MASL /https://mkweather.com/213-cm-of-snowfall-in-japan-only-at-900-masl-sukayu-the-next-snow-is-expected//.
Now, we will shift into South Korea, from where is in the last days reported anomalous snowfall and record frosts.
The coldest weather is in northern parts of the country – in Cheorwon, Gangwon Province, only -25,4°C was measured.
Seoul reported at Christmas (25.-26. December 2021) legendary frosts, only -16,0°C, which is the coldest December temperature in the city since 1980 (in 41 years)!
Gangwon Province reports up to 56 cm snowfall, while 17 cm of snow was reported from the warmest parts of the country – from Jeju Island.
Flight cancellations appeared across all of East Asia.
In Beijing, 4 days with a minimum temperature in the interval -10/-12°C was between 25.-28. December 2021, measured, on 25.-26. December 2021 with ice days (all-day frosts), with temperature maximum only -1/-2°C, appeared, with snowfall.
Winter 2021/2022 should surprise in January 2022, yet, then, NAO+ in February and March 2022 is forecast, which should mean early Spring 2022 conditions almost for all Eurasia /https://mkweather.com/spring-2022-will-come-in-february-nao-and-extremely-warm-early-spring-conditions-in-february-and-march-2022-are-predicted-cfs-ecmwf//.
Winter 2021/2022 forecast for Asia and Northern Hemisphere you will find here: https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-2022-forecast-for-asia-early-extreme-arctic-and-siberian-blasts-and-blizzards-late-dry-and-warm-conditions/; https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-2022-forecast-for-northern-hemisphere/.