In the UK, a big temperature anomalies are occuring these days and during current week will be even bigger. Very cold air of Arctic origin is quickly alternate by tropical air, or, cold front are occuring in the borders of both air masses. In this unstable synoptic and circulation conditions, lot of anomalies are appearing above the territory of the British Isles, such as windstorms, storms, coldwaves, heavy rain or heatwawes, during July 2020.
Lastly, at the weekend (25.7.2020) in Northampton, central England, tornado occured, and scarried inhabitants of a city, where caused several damages. Some people hadn´t had fear and made these videos of this rarely phenomena. 4 videos from Youtube we are offering in the next documentation.
Big weather changes and temperature fluctuations will be continuing, on Friday will be 15°C warmer than on Tuesday
As we pointed in one from last articles /https://mkweather.com/2020/07/26/europe-the-strongest-heatwaves-of-summer-2020-already-in-the-next-5-days-england-with-35c-95f-on-friday-spain-exceeds-45c-113f-tuesday-in-austria-38c-100//, potential peak of summer 2020 won´t expect only Central Europe, with possible temperatures in Austria up to +38/+39°C and Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary up to +36/+37°C, but too England and too Scotland, on Friday, 31. July 2020. Temperature in 850 hPa will reach on Friday above London area +19°C, in southeastern Scotland +15°C, what can be linked with anomalous maximum temperatures up to +33°C in England and +30°C in Scotland, near suitable conditions very rarely up to +35°C in southeastern England and +32°C in southeastern Scotland. Very hot will be in Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland too, up to +14/+15°C in 850 hPa with potential maximum temperatures rarely +30/+31°C.
Before hot Friday however, cold Tuesday is in region expected, with maximum temperatures only +20°C in England, +15°C in Ireland and Scotland and +12°C in the most coldest regions in northern Scotland. Be to weather extremes prepared with mkweather.com.

Videodocumentation of tornado in Northampton, England, 25.7.2020

Expected T850 hPa and T850 hPa anomalies on Tuesday, 28. July and Friday, 31, July 2020 above Europe, with emphasis on W-NW Europe region /wxcharts.com