Cyclone season in Indian ocean is starting and above Indian ocean last days appeared several tropical systems, from which however any hit land.
Situation has changed on Tuesday, when forecast models and forecasting tools expect possible tropical threat, which will be moving towards Somalia, Yemen, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Eritrea next 7 days.
It appears that from a tropical depression 94A Invest should form a tropical storm next days, with significant rainfall in Eastern Africa or Yemen, respectively.
On the MJO 40-day forecast below we should notice, that above Indian ocean is now very strong phase of wet MJO, what is reason of strong cyclonic activity in the region.
Cyclone season in southwestern Indian ocean officially began on 15. November , and ends on 30. April, with the exception for Mauritius and the Seychelles, which it ends on 15. May.
While hurricane and typhoon season are slowly ending, cyclone season in Southern Hemisphere is only beginning.
During the winter, Mkweather will be bringing fresh news about tropical cyclones, still.
Infographics: tropicaltidbits.com, wxcharts.com, NOAA