About extreme circulation, which hit parts of Europe and Northern America this autumn we have informed in series of articles last days /NORTHERN HEMISPHERE; NORTHERN AMERICA; EUROPE/ and in Mkweather seasonal forecasts for Autumn and Winter 2020/2021 /FORECAST FOR AUTUMN 2020; FIRST FORECAST FOR WINTER 2020/21; UPDATED FORECAST FOR WINTER 2020/21/.
Strong negative phases of Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillation will have peak already in mid-October 2020, with powerful coldwaves around Northern Hemisphere, mainly in its moderate and suptropic zones.
The newest forecast for Europe are more than cold – they are extremely cold, with every day of 16-day outlook of GFS model with coldwave in Europe!
It should be called “never ending” coldwave, because we don´t see on it´s end now, on 11. October 2020 (coldwave has started already on Friday, 9. October). Last day of outlook, 27. October, is with even stronger coldwave than now, with snowing in lowlands of France, Germany, Alpine region, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and NW Balkan (Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina), with temperature anomalies almost -12°C below temperature average almost in all parts of Europe.
Already from Tuesday to Wednesday, 13.-14. October, should snowing surprise in Slovakia and Czechia in lower elevations /https://mkweather.com/2020/10/11/the-first-snowfall-in-large-parts-of-slovakia-and-moravia-from-tuesday-to-wednesday-13-14-october// and after rainy (and snowy) period should come more clear skies above the continent with frosts between Thursday to Tuesday, 15.-20. October in many parts of Europe.
After 20. October, next Artic blasts are already prepared, with even stronger coldwaves, mentioned snowing and subsequent possible strong frosts at the end of October 2020. If AO/NAO index really arises at the end of the month, it should warm up shortly at the beginning of November 2020. However, quick return of cold-persisting circulation patterns are during the November and December 2020 expected.
16-day temperature anomalies forecast for Europe – every day with coldwave /wxcharts.com:

Possible snowing around 25.-27. October according to GFS in lowlands in France, Germany, Central Europe, Balkan… /wxhcarts.com: