After the coldest December temperature in Canada since 1998, -51,0°C near the British Columbian border (Northwest Territories) /https://mkweather.com/canada-511c-the-first-50c-and-lower-temperature-in-december-since-1998//, extreme winter will spread into more southern regions and except northern and northwestern USA, an Arctic winter already hit in Vancouver, Canada.
Very mild conditions in the year, with measured all-time Canadian temperature record, +49,6°C from June 2021 /https://mkweather.com/50c-in-canada-one-of-the-biggest-heatwaves-in-modern-history-overwrote-national-records-by-5c-9f-lytton-496c// were in subsequent winter replaced by extreme coldwave and the coldest temperature in the metropolitan city in the last 52 years (since 1969)!
On 27. December 2021, only -15,3°C was measured in Vancouver, International Airport.
Extreme winter is already reported from Seattle (+17°F / -8,3°C – the lowest temperature in 11 years, since legendary 2010 – the next Mkweather article) and in Montana, the northern USA, -34°F / -36,7°C
the next Mkweather article).
Moreover, many snowfall records appeared in the western USA, including California (the next Mkweather article).
Meanwhile, above Central USA, extreme winter heatwave is ending and it is replacing by severe storm round /https://mkweather.com/people-in-the-usa-in-short-t-shirts-outside-the-hottest-christmas-in-the-usa-ever-texas-96f-36c-oklahoma-86f-30c-illinois-75f-24c/; https://mkweather.com/after-the-christmas-heatwave-the-next-possible-tornado-outbreak-in-the-usa-between-28-31-december-2021// with a possible tornado outbreak.
Conditions for tornado outbreaks and extremely cold Western, Central Canada, and N/NW USA are forecasted during January and February 2022, too, with possible Kentucky-like events across Midwest and Southeast, the USA /https://mkweather.com/kentucky-like-tornadoes-for-the-usa-in-january-and-february-2022-cfs-sees-extreme-temperature-differences-across-the-continent-and-sharp-frontal-boundaries-for-midwest-southeast//.
The next weeks therefore should bring even colder conditions in the region of Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, Edmonton, Alberta, or Helena.
If you live in the region we recommend you to watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories.