On Wednesday, 21. October, pressure high above Europe, on the front side of storm Barbara /https://mkweather.com/2020/10/21/storm-barbara-up-to-2964-mm-48-hours-130-km-h-winds-in-portugal-spain-france// has shifted slightly eastward and temperatures in Europe has been little higher than on Tuesday, 20. October 2020 /https://mkweather.com/2020/10/20/freezing-start-of-indian-summer-in-europe-sweden-167c-france-237c//.
While on Tuesday, higher temperatures such as +20,0°C has been measured only in Iberian Peninsula (Spain, +30,5°C), France (+23,7°C) and Switzerland (+20,7°C) in Western and Central Europe, on Wednesday warm air flooded territories up to Benelux, Germany and Austria.
The hottest, except of Spain, has been in Alpine region in France, thanks to foehn, Grenoble has reported summer +28,0°C. Vaduz, in the middle of Alps (Lichtenstein) had +23,7°C, Kufstein in Austria +22,9°C, Koeln in Germany +21,8°C, Delemont in Switzerland +21,6°C, Maastricht in Netherlands +21,3°C, Sint-Katelijne-Waver in Belgium +21,3°C and Luxembourg +20,8°C.
Warm has been in Balkan and Italy too, but not so hot such in southeastern Turkey (Adana +36,8°C), without summer days (Italy: Capo Palinuro +24,6°C, Greece, Kerkyra, +24,8°C). From other countries in Balkan: Kurdjali, Bulgaria, +24,1°C, Dubrovnik, Croatia, +23,3°C, Bar, Montenegro, +23,0°C, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina +22,8°C, Gevgelija, Northern Macedonia, +22,7°C, (+Gudja, Malta, +22,4°C), Loznica, Serbia, +21,5°C and despite of severe morning frosts Tulcea, Romania, +20,6°C.
During the next days, other countries in Central Europe and Eastern Europe, finally alives warm weather, too (Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic states, European Russia).
Frosts in northern Europe, but too in continental parts, will be weakening during next days (on Wednesday – Sweden, Alvbsyn, -14,5°C, Finland, Kevo, -12,4°C, Norway, Bardufoss, -12,0°C, Russia, Moseyevo, -9,7°C, Romania, Miercurea Ciuc, -7,4°C, Serbia, Sjenica, -5,7°C, Estonia, Johvi, -3,7°C, Northern Macedonia, Berovo, -3,3°C, Ukraine, Izium, -3,0°C, Austria, Randstadt, -2,3°C, Montenegro, Plevlja, -1,9°C, Belarus, Orsha, -1,5°C and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Livno, -1,2°C) and Europeans in many regions should enjoy Indian summer.
The longest Indian summer, almost 10 days, is expected still in East-Central Europe, until Wednesday, 28. October, 2020. Then cloudiness linked with ex-hurricane Epsilon and next windstorms from NW Europe comes.
Infographics: wxcharts.com, wetterzentrale.de